Surat, Gujarat
6 hours ago

We're Donating to Help Ukraine

Posted by J.R. Bookwalter on

I Stand with Ukraine

By now you’ve no doubt seen news coverage or social media about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The news over the last two days has been heartbreaking to watch, especially when you’re helpless to do anything about it. That’s why as of yesterday (Thursday, February 24), I’m donating 20% of all Makeflix sales to the Ukrainian military, who are fighting against impossible odds to maintain their independence from unwanted (and unwarranted) Russian influence.

JRB & Svetlana in Kyiv

I completely realize this is a minuscule gesture compared to the billions already spent by the U.S. and others to help Ukraine, but this war hits very close to home. My wife Svetlana is Ukrainian, born and raised in Kakhovka, a city of 35,400 in the southern region of Kherson. We met September 2005 in the capital city of Kyiv and were married the following year. My two children, Benjamin (13) and Sophia (6), are half-Ukrainian, and we helped our niece Iryna (who we consider our third "child") immigrate to America. All of us have spent time in Ukraine with other family, friends, and loved ones who live there.

Sveta with siblings

Among them are my sister-in-law Elena and her daughter (my goddaughter); brothers-in-law Tolek & Vitaly and their wives & sons; my wife’s best friend Ludmilla (my son’s godmother), her husband and two small children; friends Vera & Tanya and their families; and countless others who have touched our lives over the last 17 years. Like all Ukrainians, these are proud, strong, generous people, many who survived post-Soviet turmoil the country has endured since first proclaiming independence in 1991. This taste of democracy and hope over the last 30 years is precisely why they tossed Vladimir Putin’s puppet regime in 2014 and want no part of his heavy-handed rule in the future.

Friends in Ukraine

Although my extended family and loved ones are safe for now, there’s no guarantee what the hours, days, weeks, and months ahead will bring. I know many B-movie fans know little about Ukraine, but for me it’s an important place in my life. The very Kyiv train station many Ukrainians are using to flee the capital is where I first met my wife. This is a magnificent, beautiful city that’s been around much longer than Moscow, so watching Russia systematically destroy the country has been an emotional rollercoaster ride to say the least.

Family in Ukraine

The people of Ukraine will stand up to Russian tyranny — even now they are taking up arms to defend Kyiv as Putin’s goons close in. All over the country, Ukrainians are pushing back, but they won’t be able to do it alone. I’m happy to contribute my Makeflix revenue, and hope you’ll consider picking up a disc or two or donate directly to the cause. Thank you!

Owner, Makeflix - February 25, 2022

Benji in Kakhovka

Donate directly via National Bank of Ukraine

#StandWithUkraine #Makeflix #TempeDigital #TempeVideo

1 comment

  • I’ve known Svetlana since she and J.R. first began to date and I’m also Benji’s Godfather. I’m going to repost this direct link to all my social media accounts and hope fans and customers of MakeFlix (and friends of this wonderful couple) will consider doing the same. – Jason Paul Collum,
    B+Boy Productions, LLC.

    Jason Paul Collum on

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