Surat, Gujarat
6 hours ago

Axegrinder 4: Soul of Blood

Sterling Entertainment

Regular price $19.99

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When a social worker takes a group of non-violent criminals to the woods as a progressive rehabilitation program that will get them a reduced sentence for their crimes, it seems like she has thought of everything and nothing can go wrong. But Freddy Palmer, played by MMA fighter Sam Hoger, is an insane killer who wears a mask and likes to chop up every person he sees with his trusty axes, and he is back in these woods.

Cassie Johnson, played by Andrea Martina ("Westworld, "Things 4"), leads the criminals in a battle for their lives. But they are without cell phones, and they are restricted by their ankle monitors, that will sound an alarm that Freddy can hear if they stray too far from their cabin in the woods.

To make matters even more complicated, a group of mad scientists, led by Dr. Trask, played by Sally Mullins (*Camp Blood 8," "Lights Out with David Spade"), have released Freddy into the woods to study his activity, and they want him to continue his killing spree. Will anyone survive the madness?

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